Sociology in My Neighborhood pages

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

PeterBug Day Update

I have heard from a reliable source that PeterBug Day has been moved from May 18th to June 8th, 2013. I'll check to make certain about this and provide any further details later. Right now, we're at the end of the semester and we profs are overwhelmed with work, especially the glorious task of graduating our students.


  1. Peter Bug Day Parade and Festival: Unity in the Community
    *Saturday, June 8*

    Parade begins at 9 a.m near Congressional Cemetery

    Music, games, and food for children and adults
    at Peter Bug Matthews Way (13th Street) and E Street SE until dusk.

    For more information:
    Peterbug Matthews
    Peterbug Shoe Repair Academy
    1320 E Street SE Washington, DC 20003

    1. Peter Bug Day bug fest Parade and Festival: Unity in the Community
      *Saturday,May 17, 2014


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