Sociology in My Neighborhood pages

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Today, Eliot-Hine Radio will be reporting live from the inauguration! Yes, students from Ward 6's Eliot-Hine Middle School will broadcast the Inauguration and Inaugural Parade live from John A Wilson Building overlooking Pennsylvania Ave, NW. The program will be carried live online at the following link:

Curious about the students' radio program or their take on this historic day? If you, or your kids, want to ask questions of the student DJs, tweet using the following hashtag #EliotHineRadio. The students will carry the Swearing-In and President Obama's Inaugural Address as a live broadcast, to be followed by interviews and coverage of the Inaugural Parade. Thanks for tuning in and supporting Eliot-Hine Middle School.

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