Sociology in My Neighborhood pages

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Holiday Greetings to our Neighbors at Potomac Gardens

A while back, I wrote a post about Potomac Gardens, a public housing project at 1225 G Street, SE. It is one of the remaining public housing projects in the city. Scholars are now realizing how important public housing is to the overall system of housing and to social and cultural life. We should not destroy public housing and turn it into mixed-income housing. I'll talk more about this in upcoming posts. Just wanted to hint at the fact that public housing is so important for people. Yesterday, I received this comment on my post:
I love the Gardenz. aka Magic City. even though i dont live there keep them up!!!!
Many people say that they *love* public housing! Magic City -- why is it called that? What is the magic of public housing? Warm holiday greetings to our neighbors living in Potomac Gardens and in public housing everywhere, as well as those who have been displaced from public housing in Ward 6 and everywhere.

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