Sociology in My Neighborhood pages

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Why do the poor still live here? (II)

The percentage of households living below the poverty line in Ward 6 by ANC:

Are the ANC commissioners and Ward 6 Council Member Wells representing these households, their needs, their opinions, and their demands?


  1. Very interesting. I imagine they are more policed than represented. I don't know if there are even candidates we could vote for who would represent this constituency. What possibilities for direct political action (rather than indirect political representation) are there?

  2. I don't really understand the question. Do you think they live here based on whether ANC commisioners or City Council people represent them? Do any of us base our choice of where to live on that criteria? I agree with Andrew Z on more policed than represented. In my immediate vicinity - south of Pennsylvania, east of 11th Street - I imagine the poor still live here because of the number public housing apartment buildings around here. For the working poor, if you're in a situation where you can meet your rent, I imagine the number of bus routes around here would also be appealing. But, really, how much choice do you really feel you have in where you live if you're poor?

  3. Well, the question - why do the poor still live here? - actually relates to the post before it. In this post, I was just establishing that the poor live in each of the ANC areas of Ward 6. A neighbor had told me that he overheard a 6A or 6B ANC rep saying that there were no poor people in that rep's area. So, I have been wanted to show the numbers on this for some time. I totally agree with you on your comments. In this post, I meant that, given that the poor live all over Ward 6, are their political reps actually representing them?

  4. There are also other reasons why people have incomes of less than $30,000, but we would not commonly call them "poor." My neighbors on Cap Hill include college students living in groups, students whose parents have purchased a home for them while they are in school, young adults living with their parents, retired people many of whom own their homes outright. My "block" close to Eastern Market has 17 homes: 3 occupied by retirees, 1 group home, 2 or 3 occupied by students--owned by parents. That is about 33% with low income, but not people considered poor.


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